Minibeast Hunt

We strolled toward the vegetable patch armed with our experiment tools. Our task was to locate and identify minibeasts.

First we started by weeding the plants. Next we collected our experiment tools and started to dig. We were digging holes deep enough so we could fit the jars in the holes. The jar is a big part in the experiment because we needed to dig five holes for the jars and in the jars we placed fruit for the minibeasts.

Around the holes we placed three or four stones. When the jars were in place, with the fruit inside them and we placed a large stone on top of the smaller stones covering the jar. As the next days passed we checked up on the minibeasts and their new homes. The object of this experiment was to catch some minibeasts. I wonder what we will find?

By Adam Byrne

Minibeast Hunt Minibeast Hunt Minibeast Hunt Minibeast Hunt Minibeast Hunt Minibeast Hunt Minibeast Hunt Minibeast Hunt Minibeast Hunt Minibeast Hunt Minibeast Hunt Minibeast Hunt Minibeast Hunt Minibeast Hunt